¿What is Abatex?
ABATEX es un tejido 100% acetato con partículas de Cobre, capaz de eliminar en un 99.9% micro-organismos como bacterias, hongos y virus, manteniendo su completa efectividad incluso después del lavado.
Textil de nueva generación para la creación de cintas médicas que ayuden en la curación de heridas permitiendo la respiración de la piel, eliminando olores y ayudando en su cicatrización.
Fibra con características sustentables, hipoalergénicas, reutilizables y antibacteriales que permite la elaboración de mascarillas, delantales, overoles, entre otros.

Products & Development
Nos enfocamos en ofrecer productos construidos en base a la tela técnica NAIA-Eastman, en el cual tienen propiedades antimicrobianas, hipoalergénicas, biodegradables, anti-olores y lavables.
Team Abatex
We are a young, innovative, persevering, and conscious company with the need to promote sustainable changes. Since 2017, the Abatex area is developed through technical fabrics taking advantage of the textile knowledge and the continuous concern to develop new products for the market. Seeking excellence in its processes and products. Benefiting from the experience and knowledge in Naia acetate fiber and antimicrobial copper technology developed in Chile.
In 2020 due to the pandemic the development of new products is accelerated, entering the area of medical clothing and wound care supplies.
Testimonials from our Clients
Excelente experiencia con vuestros productos, necesito más stock.
Dra. Paula Carrasco, Arica – Chile
Excellent experience with your products, I need more stock.
Dr. Paula Carrasco, Arica – Chile
At OPH we are committed to your health, and also of the environment !!! That's why we have implemented your reusable personal protection aprons with Copper Technology.
OPH Dental, Santiago – Chile
I would like to comment that the products purchased from you have been very good and are of daily use by our teachers. For now we do not need to buy more, but if necessary, of course we will prefer them.
Corp. Coalivi, Concepción – Chile
We use your gowns because they are of very good quality.
Clinik.cl, Temuco – Chile
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